
Dear Passengers!

May we call your kind attention to the fact that our tarrifs will change on 30 July 2022.


Yours sincerely Mecsek Travel


General Terms and Conditions


1. Subject of the contract

The service offered by MECSEK Travel Ltd. is passenger transport (airport shuttle service between Pécs – or other location specified in the contract – and Liszt Ferenc International Airport, Budapest, or other airport – or other location – negotiated by an individual agreement).

2. Possibilities to order passenger traffic

  • By telephone at the following numbers: + 36-20/210-2244

  • By e-mail in a letter sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • In the form of online order on our website

Orders sent online will be confirmed within 4 hours on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00, within 12 hours out of opening hours, and within 24 hours on weekends and holidays. In case you do not get a reply to your order sent online or in writing within 24 hours, please contact our Client Service. Orders incompletely filled out and sent will not be confirmed, and our Company shall not be held liable for the inconveniences caused by this!

In case of order from our website, an automatic reply will be generated to you about the reception of the order. This reply is NOT to be taken as a confirmation and the registration of the reservation. The actual confirmation will be sent to the address given by you, after the processing of the data, by our Client Service staff in a separate message, including the exact specifications of the travel and all other necessary information.

In case of an order within 72 hours before the planned travel we recommend that you also contact our Client Service on the telephone, in addition to the online order. At short deadline orders it may happen that passenger transport in only possible if we have vacant seats. This may mean a significantly sooner departure or (at the return travel) extra waiting time at the airport.

We reserve the right to refuse any order!

In extreme cases, our company also has the right to cancel an order if its fulfillment would endanger or potentially endanger the safety or health of passengers or drivers (extreme weather conditions, epidemic situation, etc.) for any reason.

3. Payment

  • In cash at our Client Service office in office hours (H–7621 Pécs, 6 Jókai Street, Monday to Friday, 09:00 AM to 16:00 PM).

  • By bank transfer to the account of Mecsek Travel Ltd. at OTP Bank (account number: 11731001-21345629). In case of payment by bank transfer the name of Passenger must be specified in the “Remark” section. In case of payment by bank transfer please make sure that the fee of travel is transferred to our bank account no later than the day prior to the travel. Otherwise our Company may univocally cancel the reservation.

  • In cash at the car driver.


4. Appointments before departure, pull-off time and its amendment by Service Provider

The exact time of collecting Client will be negotiated in an SMS with our Clients no later than until 17:00 PM on the day prior to the day of travel. If no mobile phone access has been provided, the time of pull-off will be settled by a phone call on the landline, or by e-mail. If you should not get a notification from us until the deadline specified above, please contact our Client Service. If Client is not available due to the contact data wrongly specified, Client is liable for the inconvenience caused by the possible amendment. In case of collective shuttle service, depending on the continuously incoming reservations, Service Provider has the right to appoint an earlier departure time, maximum 90 minutes earlier than the originally set appointment. Each change will be communicated by phone to the client no later than the day prior to the travel.

If a reservation is made for individual transfer, the appointment can only be amended by Client.

Our Clients arriving at the airport will not be sent extra notification other than the confirmation of the reservation; our passenger will be expected at the time when the flight is due. Our Company shall not be liable for any inconvenience resulting from incorrectly specified time of arrival. If the time of arrival is incorrectly communicated to Service Provider and we have no car available at the time of the actual arrival, responsibility lies with Client.


5. Amendment and cancel of order

The confirmed order can be amended or cancelled with the conditions as below. Amendments are accepted face-to-face, on the phone or in writing.For the amendments of trips accepted and confirmed by Mecsek Travel, the following cancellation fees apply:

Time of cancellation

Cancellation fee

Cancellation more than 72 hours prior to travel

HUF 5,000

Cancellation within 72 hours prior to travel

30% of fare but at least HUF 5,000

Cancellation within 48 hours prior to travel

50% of fare

Cancellation within 24 hours prior to travel

100% of fare

Amendments are free of charge if the new date of travel can be ordered to other existing trips. If the amendment leads to the change of the preliminarily set schedule, an extra 50% will be charged in addition to the fare. Service Provider is not obliged to amend the order, only in function of available free capacity. If this is not possible, Service Provider retains the right to refuse the request for amendment.

As regards return trip (from the airport to the address specified), orders can also be amended free of charge at least 72 hours prior to the travel. In this case Service Provider may only be able to implement the service at another time than requested by Passenger, later than requested. If the new date offered is not suitable for Passenger, the order can be cancelled with the conditions specified above. If the amendment is requested within 24 hours prior to travel and the vehicle is on the way to the airport, already, the full fare will be charged and invoiced.


6. Journey time, time of departure, waiting time, route

The journey time from Pécs to Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport is 3–3.5 hours on the average, depending on the time of the year, and on weather conditions (it may be longer in winter months and in extreme weather conditions). The route of the journey is not fixed and not set preliminarily; it may change in accordance with the reservations. The times of departure from the addresses specified are determined accordingly. If several passengers are collected, a delay of 5-10 minutes may occur. As our cars provide a classic collective shuttle service, passengers may also be collected, in addition to Baranya county, in Tolna and Somogy county. When scheduling the journeys we of course make our best to find the fastest possible solutions. Our primary route of travel is Motorway M6. If Client is not at the given address at the time specified the day before, the car driver can wait for him/her for 10 minutes the most. After this waiting time, the driver must continue the journey in order to keep the schedule. If the address or the telephone number is incorrectly communicated to Service Provider and this results in the failure of the car driver meeting the passenger, service is to be seen as completed and the full tariff will be charged to Client.


7. Departure from the airport, reception of passengers, waiting time

In case of journeys from Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport to Pécs, our car driver will be expecting arriving Passengers with a sheet featuring the logo of our Company and the name of Passenger. After the arrival of passengers using the classic collective shuttle service, some waiting time may occur at the airport, depending on the arrival time of the other passengers. This waiting time cannot be more than 120 minutes. (the organisation of rides is done according to the scheduled arrival times of flights). Service Provider shall not be liable for extra waiting time resulting from the arrival time specified by Passenger or the delay of flights.
If the plane of the Passenger is significantly (several hours) late compared to the time given by Passenger, Service Provider reserves the right to transfer Passenger with the next vehicle having empty seats. If Passenger refuses to accept the transfer at the modified time, s/he has the right to waive from the order (keeping the rules for the cancellation of travel), but Service Provider will offer a new option in each case. Due to the changes of transfers caused by flight delays, extra waiting time may be possible. Service Provider shall take no liability for any inconvenience coming from this.

It may happen that several planes land at the same time and our passengers are expected separately at Terminal 2/A and 2/B. We kindly ask you to switch on your mobile phone the number of which is specified in the reservation as soon as possible after landing so that our car driver can contact you. If you arrive at the arrival terminal after collecting your luggage and you cannot find our car driver there, we ask you to patiently wait within the building until the driver arrives.

8. Quantity of luggage, luggage other than usual, lost objects

Please, specify the quantity of luggage to be transferred when making the reservation. The travel fee includes the transfer of 1 suitcase (maximum 32 kilograms) and 1 hand luggage per person. For all other luggage, an extra fee of HUF 1,500 per luggage will be charged. If Passenger does not indicate luggage in excess of the quantity specified in this Contract and it jeopardises the placement of the luggage of other passengers, the transfer of the luggage may be rejected by the car driver.

If you travel with child(ren) and children’s seat is needed, please, indicate this when making the reservation, specifying the age and weight of the child(ren) so that adequate children’s seats can be provided for our little passengers.

Service Provider charges extra fee for the transfer of luggage other than the usual ones (e.g. bicycles, skis, prams, dogs etc.). Service Provider cannot be obliged for the transfer of such extra luggage, unless it was previously negotiated. The fee of transfer of such luggage may range from HUF 1,500 to 5,000, depending on size. The transfer of pets (dogs, cats) up to 10 kilograms maximum is possible, in transfer box and using muzzle, also for extra charge.

We cannot accept responsibility for items left in the car. Such items are stored for a maximum of 30 days, free of charge.

9. Transport fees, discounts, pull-off charges

All tariffs are given with departure from, or arrival at Pécs, for 1 person. If a return travel is booked for one person or several persons, transport fee is to be paid to the car driver on the first journey, in one lump sum, so that Client is eligible for the discount. If Client wishes to pay for the transfers separately, no discount price is applicable and tariffs calculated for single trips will be charged. If the reservation is for several persons and passengers depart or arrive at different times, no discount for return journey is applicable. If the address where Passenger is picked up or transported from the airport is not in Pécs, an extra pull-of charge is to be paid, as specified in the table “Pull-off charges outside Pécs” on our website. For information on pull-off charges concerning other settlements not specified in the table please contact our Customer Service.

Service Provider reserves the right to change transfer fees, but this does not concern passenger transports already booked!

10. Delays independent of Service Provider, and attributable to fault of Service Provider

Mecsek Travel does not accept any responsibility for delays due to incidents independent of Service Provider and not foreseeable (accident, road closure due to road construction or extraordinary weather conditions, traffic jam, other obstacles, technical failure etc.), and damages deriving from these delays. In case of such unexpected events, alternative routes are designated.

Client can claim for compensation for damages due to the evident fault of Service Provider, but only in the case that the flight is missed. The amount of compensations cannot exceed 100% of the value of the service ordered from Mecsek Travel Ltd. If the value of the damage remains below the value of the service, only the value of the damage is paid as compensation. Claims are only accepted within 24 hours following the travel. Claims submitted later than this will not be investigated. Furthermore, beyond the agreements in the travel contract, Passenger waives any individual claim against Mecsek Travel Ltd. in addition to the conditions of compensations specified by Mecsek Travel Ltd.


11. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions, declaration of confidentiality, collection of data

Client makes a declaration of being informed about and accepting the Terms and Conditions when making the reservation, which will enter into force when the confirmation is made. The acceptance of Terms and Conditions is also applicable for orders made by telephone. In case of orders for several persons, Client making the reservation makes the declaration on behalf of all other passengers as well. Ignorance of the Terms and Conditions does not excuse Client from keeping to them.

The security of your personal data is important for us. Data will be managed confidentially, not transferred to any third party unless the completion of service requires so. Client accepts, by the approval of the Terms and Conditions, that Service Provider will use their data exclusively for its own operation, for database creation and statistical purposes. The registration and management of personal data is in compliance with the regulation specified by the Hungarian law on data protection (Act No. CXII of 2011).

Dear Passengers! We call your kind attention to the fact that by ordering our service in any form (online, by the phone, by e-mail or personally in our office) you accept the General Terms and Conditions!


MECSEK Travel Ltd.



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MECSEK Travel Ltd.
Mobile: +36-20-210-2244
E-mail: info@mecsektravel.hu

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